The following pull-up progression can be used to get your first pull-up ever or take your pull-ups from 1 to 5 or even from 5 to 15+ in as few as 8 weeks. It will begin with a test day. This test day is to assess where you are currently and to give us an objective number to work from. After the test day, for the following 8 weeks you will have two workouts to complete per week. After the 8 weeks, there will be a retest day to see how far you have come.
The first workout of each week will be based on the number of pull-ups you completed during the test day. For example, the first workout of week 1 is 8x30% of max repetitions. So, if you completed 10 pull-ups on the test day, the first day will be 8 sets of 3 repetitions with 1-3 minutes of rest between sets. If you cannot yet perform a pull-up, use a band/machine to assist you through the range of motion for a challenging set of 5-8 repetitions. Note what color band or weight of assistance on the machine you used as you will continue to use the same set-up for the duration of the progression.
The second workout will be an accessory movement I have found effective, the inverted row. This workout will be based on predetermined sets and repetitions with a designated tempo to follow. For example, the first week has 3x8 Inverted Rows @ 2020. This means you will perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions using a 2020 tempo (explained below). You can adjust the difficulty of the movement by either moving your feet further away from the bar and being more horizontal to make it harder or by moving your feet closer to the bar and being more vertical, thus making it easier. I encourage you to find a foot position that is difficult but allows you to maintain near perfect form, note it, and keep that position for the duration of the progression.
Points of Performance
- Start from the dead hang, no swinging, with a double overhand grip and your hands just outside your shoulders.
- Stabilize your midline by pulling down on your rib cage (flex your abdominals) and squeezing your butt and keeping the heels together with legs straight to form a “Hollow” body position.
- Engage your lats by pulling down on the bar with straight arms
- Continue the upward motion by bending at the elbow
- Rep is finished when the chin is clearly above the bar
Inverted Rows:
- Start by hanging underneath a secure bar with your feet in front of you and only your heels touching the ground facing upwards. Your body will be more or less horizontal. The more horizontal you are, the more difficulty each rep will have and vice versa.
- Your hands can either be double under hand or double overhand grip (I find it best to alternate this grip position each week) with your hands just outside your shoulder width.
- Stabilize your midline by forming the “hollow” body position described in the pull-up section.
- Keeping your shoulders pulled down away from your ears, pull your chest up until it touches the bar around the middle to bottom of the rib cage.
- Return to Start position.
Execution of Sets and Reps:
- Include 1-3 minutes of rest between sets.
- If you feel your form starting to suffer, increase your rest period towards the 3 minute mark. (I find 2 min to be just about perfect for most people)
- Have at least 1 Rest day between Day 1 and Day 2 each week. Ideally 2 rest days.
- Separate your Test days from the workouts. Have at least 3 Rest days after the final workout before you attempt your retest. A good rule of thumb is to wait until the soreness is mostly gone.
- Use a foam roller and smash your armpit region after each day (3 min each side)
- If you have access to a barbell, use it to smash your biceps each day as well (2 min each side)
- For Pull-ups:
- Ensure you are hitting full range of motion and extending your arms fully at the bottom of the repetition
- Try and limit the amount of swinging at the bottom
- Try not to kip, or use your hips, to complete your pull-ups.
- For Inverted Rows:
- The Tempo is crucial to the exercise! A tempo of 2020 means it will have a 2 second concentric portion (the “pull” phase), no pause at the top, a 2 second eccentric portion (the “lower” phase) and no pause at the bottom. This means each rep should take 4 seconds to complete.
- Ring Rows can be substituted for a bar if you have access to them. Ensure that touch the rings to your shoulder each repetition and pull your chest “through” the rings. (Think superman pulling his work suit off to show the S symbol)
Test Day:
Find a Max Set of Strict Pull-ups or Assisted Pull-ups
Week 1
Day 1: 8 sets @ 30% of max set
Day 2: 3x8 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 2
Day 1: 10 sets @ 30% of max set
Day 2: 4x8 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 3
Day 1: 12 sets @ 30% of max set
Day 2: 5x8 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 4
Day 1: 8 sets @ 40% of max set
Day 2: 3x10 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 5
Day 1: 10 sets @ 40% of max set
Day 2: 4x10 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 6
Day 1: 12 sets @ 40% of max set
Day 2: 5x10 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 7
Day 1: 8 sets @ 50% of max set
Day 2: 4x12 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
Week 8
Day 1: 10 set @ 50% of max set
Day 2: 5x12 Tempo Inverted Row (2020)
ReTest Day:
Find a New Max Set of Strict Pull-ups :: If you couldn’t perform a single pull-up originally, you can either:
- Try for your first pull-up (I highly encourage you to TRY!)
- Use the same color band or weight of assistance on the machine you used on the original test day and try for more repetitions
- Use a lighter band/lower weight of assistance and try and hit the same number of repetitions from the original test day.
****Note from the coach: This is not intended to be the final word on getting you to your pull-up goal, but rather a starting point and sample progression you can follow. As always, use your discretion and consult your medical professional before beginning any high intensity workout system. For more individual coaching, you can always reach out to discuss our 1-on-1 program.